S-OIL is sustainably proceeding in 'Local Community Protector' business to develop and grow along with the local community.
In 2007, S-OIL Ulsan Welfare Foundation was established for the first time in the company. Local Community contribution programs such as Local community welfare facilities, organization support, and support of farmers are being operated.
Also, cultural events for citizens in Mapo-gu and Ulsan area where the business places are located are supported for the cultural development of Local community. In Mapo-gu where the head office building is located, free performances have been held, proceeding with the 'Cultural Arts and Sharing' Campaign from 2011. Nearby citizens join the performance to share culture and arts.In Ulsan are where the factory is located, the Oh Young Soo Literature Award was started in 1993 in honor of Nankye who was from Ulsan. Furthermore, cultural festivals focused on the central literary circles started along with the 'Beautiful Eyes Art Festival', an amateur art club festival that started in 1996. Also, various local community cultural and arts events are supported, including Gyeongsang Daily Shinchun Literature, Cheoyong Cultural Festival, Ulsan Whale Festival, and Onggi Expo Ulsan Korea.