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ESG Performance

Key ESG Performances

S-OIL is committed to creating stakeholder value through sustainable growth, contributing to the happiness of mankind as well as the development of society and economy. To this end, we dedicate not only to promoting bold innovation in entire business areas for enhancing our quality competitiveness and brand value but also to practicing shared growth with business partners and local communities based on the management philosophy centered on co-prosperity, fulfilling our responsibility as a corporate citizen.

Credit Ratings

Credit Ratings : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
Overseas Credit Ratings
Moody's Baa2 Baa2
Domestic Credit Ratings
Korea Ratings AA AA
NICE Investors Service AA AA
Korea Investors Service AA AA

Tax, Sales, and Operating Profit by Nations (Unit : persons, KRW in million)

Tax, Sales, and Operating Profit by Nations : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
Employees 3,154 3,094
Sales 27,463,918 42,446,028
Profit before tax 1,878,020 2,898,542
Corporate tax 499,479 794,155
Tax paid by cash 212,778 749,437
Employees 0 0
Sales 0 0
Profit before tax 0 0
Corporate tax 0 0
Tax paid by cash 0 0
  • Based on consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with K-IFRS.
  • S-OIL has a single refinery in Korea. And all business activities including production, sales, administration, and planning are implemented in Korea.

Dividend Payments (Unit : KRW, %)

Dividend Payments : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2022 2023
Total dividends paid (KRW in million) 640,409 198,011
Cash dividend payout ratio 30.4 20.9
Cash dividends per share
Common 5,500 1,700
Preferred 5,525 1,725
Cash dividend yield
Common 6.2 2.4
Preferred 9.4 3.4
  • BBased on separate financial statements prepared in accordance with K-IFRS.

Violation of Disclosure Regulations (Unit : cases)

Violation of Disclosure Regulations : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
No. of violations 0 0

Violation of Laws related to Customers' Personal Information (Unit : cases)

Violation of Laws related to Customers' Personal Information : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
No. of violations 0 0

Procurement by Item (Unit : KRW in million)

Procurement by Item : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
Total 627,832 1,010,475
Construction & maintenance 145,459 334,763
General service 96,741 226,357
Materials 385,632 449,355
  • Excluding procurement of crude oil & products.
  • There is a difference between above data and the value creation amount at Page 19, which is the cost of sales in the financial statements.

Procurement by Region (Unit : KRW in million, suppliers)

Procurement by Region : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
Korea 387,434 790,158
Asia 132,913 113,052
Middle East 940 1,131
Europe 11,850 38,740
America 94,661 67,283
Others 34 111
Total 627,832 1,010,475
No. of Suppliers
Korea 1,082 1,102
Asia 42 32
Middle East 2 2
Europe 27 19
America 27 19
Others 2 1
Total 1,182 1,175
  • Excluding procurement of crude oil & products.

Regular Risk Evaluation on Suppliers (Unit : %)

Regular Risk Evaluation on Suppliers : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
Regular evaluation rate
(including ESG risk)
100 100

Suppliers Satisfaction Survey (Unit : points)

Suppliers Satisfaction Survey : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
Satisfaction score 9.45 9.31

Supplier Invitation Program (Unit : times, companies, persons)

Supplier Invitation Program : Category, 2021, 2022 항목으로 구성된 테이블입니다.
Category 2021 2022
No. of programs - -
No. of companies 1,002 1,012
No. of participants - -
  • According to the government's COVID-19 quarantine regulations, programs were replaced to the distribution of explanation materials for 2020 ~ 2022.

ESG Training for Procurement-related Teams (Unit : %)

ESG Training for Procurement-related Teams : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
Participation rate 100 100

Violation of Improper Solicitation & Graft Act (Unit : cases)

Violation of Improper Solicitation & Graft Act : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
No. of violations 0 0

Violation of Internal Regulations found by Compliance Monitoring (Unit : cases)

Violation of Internal Regulations found by Compliance Monitoring : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
No. of violations 0 0

Deliberation of Ethics Committee (Unit : times, cases, persons)

Deliberation of Ethics Committee : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
No. of meetings 16 21
Operation of sales networks 23 12
Purchasing of goods & services 6 12
Others 15 4
Total 44 28
No. of disciplines due to violations of Ethics Code
Corruption or bribery 0 0
Discrimination or harassment 2 1
Customer privacy data 0 0
Customer privacy data 0 0
Money laundering or insider trading 0 0
Other ethics Code violations 2 2
Total 4 3
  • Completed investigations and follow-up actions on all violations reported by 2022.
  • 2021 : 1 case of procurement regulations violation (salary reduction to 2 persons, reprimand to 3 persons), 2 cases of inappropriate use of action and language between colleagues (suspension to 2 persons), 1 case of inappropriate claim for allowance (suspension to 3 persons, reprimand to 3 persons)
  • 2022 : 1 case of drunk driving (salary reduction to 1 person), unauthorized hot work for personal purpose (suspension to 2 persons, warning to 1 person), use of violence between colleagues (suspension to 1 person, salary reduction to 1 person, warning to 1 person)

Ethics Management Training for Employees (Unit : times, persons)

Ethics Management Training for Employees : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
No. of trainings 11 8
No. of participants 3,658 3,577
Participation rate 100% 100%

Ethics Management Training for Suppliers & Affiliates (Unit : times, companies, persons)

Ethics Management Training for Suppliers & Affiliates : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
No. of trainings - -
No. of companies 1,002 2,385
No. of participants - -
No. of trainings 1 1
No. of companies 1 1
No. of participants 6 7
  • According to the government's COVID-19 quarantine regulations, trainings were replaced to the distribution of training materials for 2020 ~ 2022.

Self-assessment on Ethics Management (Unit : persons, points)

Self-assessment on Ethics Management : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
No. of participants 3,019
Average score 99.6 99.4

Ethics Management Evaluation by Stakeholders (Unit : points)

Ethics Management Evaluation by Stakeholders : Category, 2021, 2022 Table.
Category 2021 2022
Average score 9.29 9.21
Employees 9.30 9.20
S/Ss & F/Ss 8.52 9.12
Corporate clients 9.40 9.48
Contractors 9.24 9.27