S-OIL provides customized learning aids for disabled youths
● S-OIL provides 100 mil. won worth of customized learning aids for 78 disabled children.
On Sept. 5, S-OIL donated 100 mil. won worth of customized learning aids to the Gyeonggi-do Assistive Technology Research & Assistance Center to provide 78 disabled children in low income families.
This donation was made to provide disabled students with difficulty in their learning activities with customized learning aids such as large letter keyboard, head mouse, and electric-powered height-adjustable desk. To maximize its support effect, the refiner organized a steering committee consisting of experts and received the recommendation of disabled youths from disabled children support organizations in 16 cities and provinces nationwide from May. Rehabilitation engineers visited the selected children and evaluated the level of disability, checked if learning aids could actually be useful for their learning, and selected customized, optimum learning aids in consideration of the characteristics of each disability for students with visual, hearing, and physical impairments.
At the donation ceremony, S-OIL Executive Vice President Ryu Yul said, “I felt rewarded after hearing that the stand-up power wheelchairs that we provided helped to reduce the pain of disabled students who had to live a sedentary lifestyle due to their disabilities and to encourage their learning effort so that they could enjoy their school life.” “We will increase our support to give hope to more disabled children,” he added.
S-OIL kicked off the “Campaign to Provide Learning Aids for Disabled Youths” from 2010 and provided customized learning aids for 160 disabled students by now.