S-OIL holds “eco camp for children” in DMZ
● S-OIL invites 100 elementary school students in low-income families to an eco camp to offer an opportunity to preserve natural treasures and to provide farming experience.
S-OIL (CEO: Nasser Al-Mahasher) invited 100 children in low-income families to a summer eco camp held in Togomi Village within the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in Hwacheon, Gangwon Province, along with KFHI(Korea Food for the Hungry International).
Children participating in the refiner’s three-day summer eco camp will conduct activities to preserve the habitats of natural treasures such as otters and Eoreumchi (hemibarbus mylodon) and have ecological experience from Aug. 7 to 9. Also, as part of rural farming experience, they will participate in interesting programs such as picking corn, making Korean rice cakes with mallets, and making grass handkerchiefs to naturally learn the importance of environmental protection.
“We’ve held an eco camp every year for five consecutive years,” said an S-OIL official. “In the camp, children in low-income broken families spend their summer vacations together with others, conduct activities to preserve the habitats of rarely-seen natural treasures along with their friends, and have unique experiences such as participating in Nanta, a non-verbal performance using recycled materials, and observing stars.”
In May 2008, S-OIL signed an agreement with Cultural Heritage Administration to protect natural treasures. Since then, as part of a campaign to protect natural treasures, the refiner has selected the endangered species Eoreumchi, cranes, and otters as the “natural treasure of the year” for the first time in Korea and has continued with its environmental protection campaign to increase wildlife populations and to preserve habitats.