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  • [Corp News] S-OIL Offers Scholarships to Children of Fallen “Hero Maritime Police Officers”
  • 2013.06.26

S-OIL Offers Scholarships to Children of Fallen “Hero Maritime Police Officers”


● S-OIL offers 25 children of fallen hero maritime police officers, including three children of Sergeant Lee Chung-ho who died while cracking down on illegal fishing.
● The Maritime Police Officers Program is the refiner’s third Hero Support Program, following the Hero Firefighters Support Program and the Hero Neighbors Support Program.

S-OIL (CEO Nasser Al-Mahasher) held the Ceremony for Offering Scholarships to Children of Fallen Hero Maritime Police Officers on June 26 along with the Korea Coast Guard and the Korea National Council on Social Welfare at the conference room of the Korea Coast Guard headquarters in Yeonsu-gu, Incheon Metropolitan City. Delivering 55 mil won to 25 children, the refiner promised to continuously offer scholarships until those children finish school. 

Among participants in the ceremony were three children of Sergeant Lee Chung-ho, who was stabbed to death by a Chinese fisherman while cracking down on illegal Chinese fishing near the West Sea in December of 2011. S-OIL will continuously offer scholarships to support the continued learning of the three children who have grown up just like their father who was braver and more warm-hearted than anyone else.

“It is truly meaningful for S-OIL to help children of proud maritime police officers who sacrificed themselves for the nation and the people in adverse working conditions and died in the line of duty,” said S-OIL Senior Vice President Lee Chang-jae. “I hope that their children will always do their best in their respective places with courage and hope, bearing in mind the saying that an oyster that has never been wounded will not produce pearls.” 

In April, S-OIL kicked off the Hero Maritime Police Officers Support Program by signing an agreement for continuous sponsorship with the Korea Coast Guard ? this is a first for private companies. This program is geared towards helping maritime police officers who committed themselves faithfully to duties in dangerous situations as well as their families. The refiner plans to conduct diverse and systematic programs, including awards for exemplary maritime officers, allowances for maritime officers who sustained work-related injuries, and visits to historic sites for officers’ children as well as scholarships for children of fallen officers.

Since 2006, S-OIL has conducted Hero Support Programs with the aim of discovering and supporting heroes who dedicate themselves to saving lives and property by risking their own in adverse working conditions. The Maritime Police Officers Program is the third Hero Support Program, following the Hero Firefighters Program and the Hero Neighbors Program.